About Us
Consciousness Transformation – recognises the primacy of consciousness as ultimate substratum and postulates that energy and matter progressively emerge as condensed or gross, localised transitory states of consciousness and ultimately merge back in the same. Consciousness Transformation is, therefore, setup with the purpose to impart praxis based transformative Siddha Kriya Yoga (SKY) Sadhana to establish the Sadhaka in sam chetana – sam state of consciousness or sthita prajna or kaivalya wherein both un-manifest and manifest realities and beyond are experienced as progressive states of unitary consciousness -Iswara chaitanya. Consciousness Transformation Processes.
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Yoga and meditation enhance your life
The Art of Siddha Kriya Yoga
Learn the transformative Siddha Kriya Yoga (SKY) to better develop your body and mind.
Meditation Workshops
Join us and partake in various meditation workshops to help develop your mind.
Building Better Balance
Manifest realities and beyond with progressive states of unitary consciousness - Iswara chaitanya.